Tuesday, April 27, 2010

(HW 50)

Against School
This article caught my eye because of the idea of boredom. In this article, Gatto talks about how students are bored with classes and when asked why they are bored they give the same answers such as "the work is stupid" or "already know this". Students want to do real things as apposed to just "sitting around". Gatto continues to talk about boredom and states that teachers are just as bored as the students. Teachers talk about the students in the lounge with low energy.

The introduction was written well to catch the reader but then it started to get boring like how he was explaining it. I somewhat agree with this article but then I also disagree with it. I agree that there are teachers that can be bored like the students but there are teachers that are not bored. Teachers such as Mr. Zitolo and Mr. Manley give of that vibe that they are excited about teaching as well as showing us how passionate they are about it. Gatto stated that his grandfather told him never to say he was bored around him because it was his fault and not anyone else's. That makes a great point because it is up to us to make the best for ourselves and its up to our parents to give us the support we need to do it.

Six Lessons
This article gives 6 rules or as told lessons about his teachings. He talks about what his expectations are but with a low energy vibe. I feel like he teaches just to do it because that is what he is certified in rather than him being passionate about it. He explains what type of students do what. The bad students will resist what he teaches by letting it go through one ear and out the other while the good ones will take it in.

I agree somewhat with this author. I feel like yes the teacher is the higher authority but at the end the students have the last say. Teachers as well have the last say because they have the power but the students make what they can of themselves and ultimately control there grades and life in general. The teachers can only do so much for the students and the students chose either to take it or not.

(HW 49)

My contribution
Since our class is irresponsible we lost our film so no contribution. -_-

By watching Section A's film, I see that the students and teacher are on the same level. At first the teacher tries to instill knowledge into them by teaching even though the class is out of hand. The teacher continues to try as well as hear the students out. The next day the teacher dies to self and just waits on the kids. The teacher eventually starts to get back at the students and goes around to each "clique" i guess and points out what they do. Such as the "prom girls" only knowing stuff about prom.

Compare and Contrast
Freedom Writers and The teacher film have many differences. In Freedom Writers the teacher never gave in to the kids rather kept trying no matter the circumstances. But in the teacher he gave up in a sense as to not teach the next day rather bash on the kids for what they are doing. The teacher film was more of a try but fail on the teacher and student part where Freedom Writers began as a try fail but turned out to be a win win situation.

Some thoughts....
I fee school is what you make out of it rather than all the pressure on the teachers. Yes, there has to be some type of pressure on the teacher but they can only give so much. I think that any level of school is pretty much the same but when you are younger it is more the teachers job and as you get older it is more of your job. With age comes responsibility so it becomes you more than the teacher.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Extra Credit.... The Class

The movie "The Class" is the typical movie such as that of Freedom Writers where the teacher has class full of children who are behind and disrespectful but in the end go away with something. This movie gave both sides of the story. The side where the teacher is struggling and the side where they show the students and cliques. There always one really troubled student that teachers always talk about and try to reason what they can do to "save" him.

The movie begins where the teacher are greeting each other and welcoming the new year. As each teacher speaks about themselves and how long they have been there they as well say what they teach. One teacher said he teaches algebra to the advanced placement students while the other one said he teaches 2+2 and maybe some multiplication. It didn't catch my attention that these students are doing 2+2 but they are in Junior High school. From the beginning you can tell that these kids are struggling and have no interest in school from the way they act.

To address question number two, if the teacher should be held responsible for the damage done to Souleymane my answer would be no. I don't think Mr.Martin is responsible. There is only so much that a teacher can do for you that at a certain point when you are not meeting them halfway enough is enough. In this case, I feel like Mr. Martin could have handled the situation better or used a different approach. Mr. Martin was quick to jump in there face which should not be tolerated and his not tolerated at SOF.

Some comparisons I can make to the movie is when the principal was at the front door greeting the students as they walked in. It reminded me of Mr. Marks and how everyday people walked in but no one payed him any mind. They way the students walk in the classroom would resemble any other classroom not only at SOF. In the movie, the teachers compared the students to i believe Wei. Without hesitation I thought of Kinory and how he compared SOF to Beacon saying that we cant top Beacon.

There were many contradictions in this movie such as Esmaralda and another girl being class respresativies. I thought that in order to represent your class you would have to be a leader. Esmaralda is a leader in the sense that her classmates follow her. But she does not respect Mr. Martin

In conclusion, there was no savior in this movie rather showed the viewer how the students act up and how a teacher can react on the same level. This movie had no affect on me because in the end Souleymane was the one getting expelled. I believe in second chances not to say that a second chance would have changed Souleymane but it would be worth a try. In the end and in my opinion no teacher should be held responsible for a students behavior rather the parent should be more involved with there child to help them better themselves.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

(HW 48) treatment...

School is a wide range of things. I feel like at School of the Future we have a lot to be grateful for. Compared to many schools i would say we are top at safety. I thought that we should do the opposite of SOF and get our "bad side out". I thought of doing a mock of the movies we have seen such as Freedom Writers except make it a twist where higher authorities would get involved and it would be chaos. Then Andy (or teacher) would save one person from becoming what they were going to be before the "savior". I think everyone should play roles they normally dont. So Victor could be a gang member and so on. I think it would be a nice turn around.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

(HW 47) Class Film...

Just some ideas...
Setting- of course in school duh! but a mixture of different "cool" places. The hallways, maybe after school outside or at lunch, and in classrooms. We can have where the class does what the teacher wants him or her to do but there is one child who does the opposite or can not be reached.

Plot- the one kid that is sort of an outcast or cant be reached will eventually give in and become apart of his grade.

Character- we will all be in it or those who want to be. To make this more fun we can have people play the opposite role of what they are now.

Theme- trying to reach that one kid who finally gives in and wants to feel and be apart of the grade.

Lastly, we can have cool music playing in the background during certain scenes.