Tuesday, April 27, 2010

(HW 50)

Against School
This article caught my eye because of the idea of boredom. In this article, Gatto talks about how students are bored with classes and when asked why they are bored they give the same answers such as "the work is stupid" or "already know this". Students want to do real things as apposed to just "sitting around". Gatto continues to talk about boredom and states that teachers are just as bored as the students. Teachers talk about the students in the lounge with low energy.

The introduction was written well to catch the reader but then it started to get boring like how he was explaining it. I somewhat agree with this article but then I also disagree with it. I agree that there are teachers that can be bored like the students but there are teachers that are not bored. Teachers such as Mr. Zitolo and Mr. Manley give of that vibe that they are excited about teaching as well as showing us how passionate they are about it. Gatto stated that his grandfather told him never to say he was bored around him because it was his fault and not anyone else's. That makes a great point because it is up to us to make the best for ourselves and its up to our parents to give us the support we need to do it.

Six Lessons
This article gives 6 rules or as told lessons about his teachings. He talks about what his expectations are but with a low energy vibe. I feel like he teaches just to do it because that is what he is certified in rather than him being passionate about it. He explains what type of students do what. The bad students will resist what he teaches by letting it go through one ear and out the other while the good ones will take it in.

I agree somewhat with this author. I feel like yes the teacher is the higher authority but at the end the students have the last say. Teachers as well have the last say because they have the power but the students make what they can of themselves and ultimately control there grades and life in general. The teachers can only do so much for the students and the students chose either to take it or not.