Monday, May 3, 2010

(HW 51)

This school unit has taught me some things and also has made think deeper about school. All of us are taught to go to school, finish,go to college and get a great job but what if we weren't made for school? What if school for some people was hell while other enjoyed it? Some questions I wondered about coming into this unit...
-Why is our life consumed with school? (meaning why Monday-Friday from 8:30 until 3:10)
- Will everything I am being taught benefit me in the future? Do we really need to know the Pythagorean theorem?

We go to school from pre-k until 12th grade then on to college for another 4 years of school and maybe another few years for masters. At this point I am tired of school and I wonder what is the point of all this schooling when we might not need some of it in the long run. A lot of people go to school just for the fun and sports. For me, my best school experience would have to be sports . All the friends I hang out with play a sport. As for a school experience I look forward to playing these sports because it helps me just not think about anything else other than winning. In volleyball I often use it as a time to relieve stress by hitting the ball hard. I feel like I am "cool" with everyone in the grade because our grade is close as a whole but yet I still separate myself by being with people who play sports. What I'm trying to get at is that their is one main category that we all have in common but within that there are many sub categories that spilt us up into our own groups.

When I interviewed some of my friends at SOF, i asked what they liked and disliked about school. they commented saying that we don't do anything here but when we go home we have a lot of work to do. Arianna commented and said she dislikes that we get out so late meanwhile other seniors get out early.

I don't consider school to be a prison but I feel like it has some qualities. We are over crowed and confined in one area doing things we don't want to do but that we do anyway.