Saturday, May 22, 2010

(HW 57) parenting 101

Part 1
hmm...parenting. As we all try to tackle this assignment I feel like we cant really say how kids should be parented because we only see how we were parented and try to rebel against it. But i will tackle this. I think kids should be showed love all the time but tough love. Growing up my parent were and still are very supportive yet when I was i guess bad i would get punished for it. At the time of being punished I saw it as hell but now i realize that it only helped me to learn from that so when im older it would show growth. My mom was the type to give us the eyebrow or pow pow when we did something wrong such as jump on the couch or call her name out. In the future when I have kids I think I will use the same approach. I feel like I came out fine and i think that is because the way I was parented. The only thing I would want to do differently is take alot of pictures and make a scrapbook for my children so they can look back. My mom was a single mom for a few years and she took pictures but just kept it in an album. I want to make a nice scrapbook of different shots so they can look back and when they have kids show them. I think parenting comes naturally but some do seek advice from others. I feel like it is great to hear from others but at the same time take it and make it your own.

Part 2
Attachment parenting:
I agree with some of the points others I'm like WHAT. I think that when a baby is first born it is good to bond and spend time with the baby but sometimes too much bonding can become spoiled. Kids that are bonded all the way through to they are about 2 start to become spoiled and for any little thing they want to be in your arms. Perosnally I wouldnt breast feed because I wouldnt want that feeling but i hear that breast milk is the best milk for the baby.

Feber Method
I do not agree with this method at all. When the baby cries it is in need of something. So you cant just live the baby to cry all night. If the baby could talk and tell you want he/she wanted it would. I don't see how parents could let their child cry. As a parent it would bother to hear them cry.