Tuesday, March 16, 2010

(HW 42) research and thinking...

Part A:
Arata, Catalina. "Highschool drinking and its consequences." Health Care Industry (2003): n. pag. Web. 16 Mar 2010. .

I thought this topic would be intresting due to freshman being stupid and following the crowd. Highschool or teen drinking is very common in todays society. Whether you are at a party, a friends house and now as crazy as it sounds SCHOOL! what in the right mind of these teens would think that it is okay to drink in school? Some parents are even okay with there teenagers drinking as long as they are "responisble". But how can you be responsible when you are under the influence?Many teens due to drinking get involved in sexual activities, driving, arguments, and dont even remember what happened that night. When I went away to Spain I was surprised what I saw teenagers doing. The legal age for drinking in Spain is 16. Most if not all teens drink. They even drink wine at the dinner table with the family. What's the rush to drink other than that yourt friends do it? and in Spain it's legal?

Monday, March 8, 2010

(HW 41) research on schooling...

Who, Alan. "How to be cool." 20 things you need to know about being cool (2009): n. pag. Web. 8 Mar 2010. .

This article gives a list of 20 things someone would need to know in order to be cool. Personally, this list is basura. The first "rule" doesn't even give any hint as to cool. It states that whatever people think is "invalid". But if i follow this rule what if what the way i talk, what i wear, or act like doesn't fit in? This list doesn't show exactly what cool is. It gives a general list from one person perspective of cool.

Hernandez, Fabiola. "High School Sterotypes." (2007): n. pag. Web. 9 Mar 2010. .

I thought outside of SOF what highschool upstate would be like. I thought able highschool sterotypes and how it can affect us. This article goes through different types of people. I feel like this is only seen in the movies not in real life. When it comes to jocks at SOF i feel like we just know whos condsider "nice" in a sport. But rather in a big school they are the "star" quarterback yada yada. I feel like there are different perspectives depending the school.

Benavides, Idalia. (2007): n. pag. Web. 9 Mar 2010. .

After reading this article, I thought back on my college process and how much of a drain it was and still is. The counselors get you started in Junior year stressing about college essays, choices, and more. But why so early. I have two different views. One I feel like it was great to start early because by the time my Senior year came I knew where I was applying and what I needed. So by starting in my Junior year helped me to be ahead of the game. But i also feel like it made me stress to much about college and made me think about the desions i was making when college wasnt near.

Monday, March 1, 2010

(HW 40) school interviews...

Mia Janae- What aspect of school do you like and dislike?
Honestly, I look forward to seeing my friends at school. School is pretty light now I get out at 12:30 everyday.

Arianna- What aspect of school do you like and dislike?
I don't like that we are seniors and we get out at 3:10 but I like that we don't have to take regents.

Kati- I dislike everything.No, I'm kidding.I like that we can be outspoken and that we do exhibitions which will help us in college.

Lauren- Right now i dislike that we have exhibitions because I am behind. School is a drag most of the time because Ive been here so long I want to leave. But I enjoy that I can come to school and see friends.

Jessica- I don't know I like that i get to see my friends. But i dislike that we have a lot of work. We are in school all day, don't do anything but when we go home we have a lot of work.