Tuesday, March 16, 2010

(HW 42) research and thinking...

Part A:
Arata, Catalina. "Highschool drinking and its consequences." Health Care Industry (2003): n. pag. Web. 16 Mar 2010. .

I thought this topic would be intresting due to freshman being stupid and following the crowd. Highschool or teen drinking is very common in todays society. Whether you are at a party, a friends house and now as crazy as it sounds SCHOOL! what in the right mind of these teens would think that it is okay to drink in school? Some parents are even okay with there teenagers drinking as long as they are "responisble". But how can you be responsible when you are under the influence?Many teens due to drinking get involved in sexual activities, driving, arguments, and dont even remember what happened that night. When I went away to Spain I was surprised what I saw teenagers doing. The legal age for drinking in Spain is 16. Most if not all teens drink. They even drink wine at the dinner table with the family. What's the rush to drink other than that yourt friends do it? and in Spain it's legal?