Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lions, tigers and STRANGERS oh my...(HW 7)

While walking around Madison Square Park Chloe and I got to interview strangers who were either just sitting there enjoying the weather, having lunch or on there phones. At first we got rejected by a few people because they either didn't want to be bothered or just wanted to get rid of us. We interviewed a man smoking a cigarette but didn't get in depth with the conversation because of all the smoke. He said he spends 15 to 16 hours a day using digital equipment because he produces music and is always on myspace and facebook. We asked him what if he had children would he limit them? He responded and said as long as they get their homework done he doesn't care what they do. I couldn't believe that this man didn't care how much time they would spend using electronics. i wonder if he ever thought about what technology could do to his children.

Another person we interviewed was a mom hanging out in the park with her daughter. As we approached her she was on her phone talking away while her daughter was running around. She wasn't paying any mind to her daughter. She told us that they don't have TV at home but she would definitely limit her daughter when she gets older. As Chloe kept talking to the mother the baby started to play with me and showed me her toy. Her "toy" happened to be a blackberry which I was in total shock. The baby had stickers on the blackberry which she was showing me. I couldn't believe that this little girl no older than 2 years old was playing with a blackberry. I feel like by her playing with it just exposes her to the digital life at a young age.

Lastly, I interviewed my best friend Ralph. I couldn't help but interview him because he is the ONLY friend I have that DOESN'T have texting. I make jokes on him about not having texting and how he needs to get it asap. I asked him what did he think about all the electronics and digital devices we have and he simply told me that it is GREAT because we can keep in touch with people. I agreed with him on that one because if we don't get to see each other in person we videochat all the time. He said that sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming because all his friends say he needs to upgrade but he said sometimes it is good to not be updated every minute and that sometimes it is good to relax and take a break.

In conclusion, I am indecisive when it comes to technology. Sometimes I cant live without it and sometimes I want a break from it. I feel like life is twitter, theres an update every second and something new is out. I always ask myself what would i be doing right now if I didn't have this computer or this phone? Other times I'm like say I'm lucky to have this. Everything is with the push of a button which is making us lazier and more ignorant. I leave with this: In 10 years where will America be? What will be the "new" gadget?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Digital Video!!! (HW 6)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Awesome interview"

I interviewed my mom about the digital world and what are her thoughts on it. Before I could even finish my question "what do you think of all the digital..." The first word was "Awesome". Now after a learning the pros and cons about technology all I could do was laugh because my mom didn't see what it is doing to her. She told me "She loves it because everything is fast" Unlike when she was growing up everything was really slow. I told her that everything she said so far sounded like if she was reading a script. Then I asked her "I know you told me a lot of pros about technology but can you name some cons?" Her response was "its time consuming". I was very shocked that my mom admitted this because she loves being on her blackberry or computer. Lastly I asked her "what could you do instead with the time spent on the computer? She told me that "she would spend more time with her family" I thought that these responeses were simple but not thoughtful. If I would do this differently I would have tried to ask more questions.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Homework 4...Comments


While reading this all I could think about is how we are similar. When you stated how dependent we are of our electronics like your blackberry. I am the same way. I connected this to my own life because I also use my blackberry to complete homework assignments and things that can be done on a computer. I wish you could have added more questions to make us think a little more. I really liked when you mentioned about how we are learning about this digital unit while using computers and such things. It passed me by about how we are just doing what is told. Great post and I look forward to reading more.


I like how you explained the positives and negatives of technogly. You wrote about how we can communitcate with family far away but there are negatives like stalkers. This also made me think about how people follow celebrities through magazine sites or even twitter. This makes me think about my own life and how it would be best if I learned how to do without certain things or don't use it to the extent i do so I am not apart this tech-savy group.

Nice thoughts!
-blackberry fein :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Updated Homework 3...

The best inventions in history for me. I honestly say that without all the electronics where would I be or everyone else. In this society, people get so addicted to it that they don't remember what life was before it. During class Conner pointed out that there are positives and negatives that come along with it. Positives are that you can communicate with friends and family faster and around the world. Negatives are that it can be a waste of time instead of using your time wisely. I notice that when I get in a bad mood I turn to my ipod or my blackberry to entertain me or just to isolate myself. It amazes me how certain things such as computers, cell phones, ipods and etc can make such a difference. I spoke to my mom to find out how it was growing up for her and she told me that she had a type writer that wasn't used often because her brother and sisters would like to go outside more. Now everything a computer has is now on a cellphone that you take with you everywhere. I feel like all the gadgets and television shows take us away from learning more. As we watch more television shows and use our phones more that is less time you have to do something productive such as read. We get so distracted from these materials that it makes ignorant. I am one that gets distracted by my blackberry which they call the "crackberry" because its just so addictive. Other things such as television don't get my distracted because I am busy texting or IM-ing friends. This world really needs to wake up and look beyond the great inventions and really think about how its changing our lives.

This morning on the bus I looked around and noticed that more than half of the bus either had their phones out or ipods. I rely on my phone so much that I don't wear a watch because it has the time. Since starting this unit I have noticed more and learned more about the people around me such as my mother. For the first time I noticed my mom's daily routine in the morning. She wakes up and runs straight to brush her teeth and turn on the coffee machine. Right next to it is her Blackberry charging. She picks it up and starts checking all the emails and text she missed. I couldn't believe that she wasted about five minutes catching up with emails rather than showering and getting dressed for work.

I have had this blog since last year and still have not learned much about it or how to use it other than to post something. I noticed that I can sign up my blackberry on blogger and write a text message to blogger and it will go straight to my blog. With the click of a button I can post my homework before actually getting home and sitting on a computer. This makes it easier for me when assignments are due the same night and I have games or other commitments.