Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Awesome interview"

I interviewed my mom about the digital world and what are her thoughts on it. Before I could even finish my question "what do you think of all the digital..." The first word was "Awesome". Now after a learning the pros and cons about technology all I could do was laugh because my mom didn't see what it is doing to her. She told me "She loves it because everything is fast" Unlike when she was growing up everything was really slow. I told her that everything she said so far sounded like if she was reading a script. Then I asked her "I know you told me a lot of pros about technology but can you name some cons?" Her response was "its time consuming". I was very shocked that my mom admitted this because she loves being on her blackberry or computer. Lastly I asked her "what could you do instead with the time spent on the computer? She told me that "she would spend more time with her family" I thought that these responeses were simple but not thoughtful. If I would do this differently I would have tried to ask more questions.