Saturday, September 26, 2009

Digital Video!!! (HW 6)


Sammie said...

Making this video is not as easy as it looks. It was hard not being able to explain or talk but rather just record yourself and all the digital equipment. In the video I was reading a book and then I got distracted by my phone and started texting. During the video I was actually texting my best friend Mia and we were talking about our Junior high school days and all the memories, which made me smile. As I am using a computer to record this I am also listening to my ipod, "trying to read" and texting my friend.

After watching this video, I thought about what would happen if I didn’t have a cell phone or an ipod then what? I thought that my time could have been used wisely by just reading without the ipod or any distractions. I wouldn’t recommend that my sister use digital equipment as much as I do so that she doesn’t get used to it and depend on it. It is hard for my sister because my dad is into getting all the new gadgets and since she is the baby he gets it for her. So you can say she is getting sucked into this digital world at the tender age of 11.

Lastly, I find myself just going with the flow and following commercials and other things that promote the digital equipment. By seeing all the advertisements and previews you get intrigued and end up wanting it. I can honestly say that I am one to want the latest equipment but is that really what we need? Would that really help us succeed and become what we want to be or will that just get in the way and delay the process?

Chloe said...

Hey Sammie,
Thanks so much for doing me this favor and commenting on video. I really appreciate it since were both seniors, sticking it out for each other to do good this year :)

I think that your right about extending the section of the video of me on my sidekick. At that moment I was actually on aim talking to someone. I should have showed me texting as well, or using it to type up homework online or offline. I would have gotten more analysis probably if I done so to see my reactions and such to the different ways I used my phone.

I always thought that I was just so in zoned because I used my cell phone for like communicating to people digitally but i almost forgot completely that sometimes I use the internet on my phone to complete homework. I usually use it to do homework for Andy's classes on the blogs. I guess this is a way that my cell phone actually does benefit me. Although how could i forget how it benefits me and just think about how I become disembodied (new Andy vocab :)) while I'm using my phone.

I think that your view of my video of being "unique" and "funky" and although that could be the kind of person I am perceived as (which is not bad) but I didn't really try to perceive my video as unique and funky. I would have put some music and some cooler scenes if I tried but the main thing I tried to show was just my me on my digital devices, no hoax, no music, no cool digital effects.

Thanks for relating to me about the whole ipod deal on the train to avoid awkward occurrences. I think that is one thing we have in common. I guess one thing we can both think about is why? Why are we so afraid of awkward occurrences? I have a little of an idea and am trying to think about this topic a little more but what about you? What are some reason you may have for pretending to do something on the train to avoid nonsense?

Sammie said...

Aww!! Thanks for commenting on my video. I am ALWAYS here to help you. We are both are on the same page as far as being on our game this year so I am glad to help. I see that you said it would have been helpful to write some insights from my video, I did but my blog has not been fully working so I am sorry for the inconvenience. I totally agree about the blackberry. It is so distracting because as I am reading I would feel it vibrate and then cant help but to look to see who text me. It is so bad that sometimes I will put it on silent and still look at it to see if there are any new messages. I agree that the ipod relaxes people and helps them get work done. I like listen to soft music while I am doing homework because it just helps me get into the mood. Lastly, I also wonder about how we say that they distract us but can it also help us in someway? There are pros and cons to having these digital devices but I think it is they way you use them that determines whether it is a pro or con. Like when we were interview strangers at the park. They mostly use it because of work which is a pro but a con is that sometimes it can take away from actual interactions in person. Thanks for everything gurlie! :)

Larche G said...


Thanks for noticing my facial expressions during my video. It showed me you payed attention even to the small details. I think that it also would have made my video a little more interesting if I had showed what was going on, on the screen of my cell phone.I agree with your comment about how some kids can become overweight due to technology -playing video games. Technology (playing video games,watching TV...etc) makes us inactive because we sit in one place and become so focused on what is happening on the screens. Leading us to eventually become unhealthy because we don't go outside as much any more due to the distractions and hold technology has on us. What if we decide to give up our digital distractions once or twice a week and go outside (do something physically active)? Don't you think we'll have less of a chance of becoming overweight.

Sammie said...

Thanks for taking the time out comment my video. Sorry that it was such a hassle to comment. I am not sure what is going on with my blog. When I read your comment it made me think about how I could have changed the video a little so that it wasn't just focused on one thing but rather different locations and what not. When you said that I was lost in my book while listening to music, I was actually getting distracted because my phone would keep vibrating from messages or I would change the song that was on because the shuffle was bad. I agree that without these gadgets we would do something productive instead which is a great thing. I would rather spend my time engaging in a book at the park than wasting time on things that are making me lazier. Lastly, a question that I wonder about is how did all these gadgets come about? When I was younger I didn't think about cellphones and now I'm addicted. Is this really helping our generation keep in touch or rather drawing us father apart?

Yasmin J said...

Dear Sam,
I would first like to say I'm sooo sorry for posting this SO late this is honestly something I thought I had posted before, but I had forgotten my computer crashed before it sent. I'm sorry I jeopardized your own work because of my clumsiness. Now to get to your video, I loved the scenario you filmed yourself in. The whole thing just felt real since you were relaxed since you were in your PJ’s in what I assume is your room. The setting just looked comfortable and not awkward because you know the camera is there, I know mine looked that way.
Your point about advertising was very interesting too. I always felt like advertising didn't effect me, but after reading your post I noticed that advertisements for electronics effect me. I don't know if its just me, but they seem more appealing like the ipod commercials that distract you with cool "hip" music, vibrant colors, and wild dancing. And like the PS3 commercials with the slogan 'it only does everything". Both commercials drew me in because I had liked what I had seen and now I'm kind of embarrassed to say I own both of those things.
When you had questioned what your day would be like without your phone, I had thought the same thing. After watching a few peoples videos I began to question, why are they so important and would communication be easier without it? I myself use my phone A LOT for texting. So I guess if I didn't have a phone for a day, it would be harder to get in contact with people. How would we be in contact with ought phones? Would we have to find the person we need to see?
Something I found very interesting about your post was the part about your little sister. I would have liked to hear more about how technology can effect younger children. I had always seen it as a negative effect because I’m always seeing like 7 year old kids on the train using ipods when they could be talking to their parents. But in your sisters case it seems more like a positive effect because your dads trying to make her happy, not block her out.
Your video made me think a lot about how technology can be used positively. Abusing phones or ipods has always seemed like a waste of time to me but in your video, The main thing you are doing is reading a book which I feel is a lot more progressive then reading a text. I liked how you mixed technology with actually doing something productive, and It made me think a lot about how I should do the same. Great video, hope to read a lot more of you posts ^^