Thursday, September 17, 2009

Homework 4...Comments


While reading this all I could think about is how we are similar. When you stated how dependent we are of our electronics like your blackberry. I am the same way. I connected this to my own life because I also use my blackberry to complete homework assignments and things that can be done on a computer. I wish you could have added more questions to make us think a little more. I really liked when you mentioned about how we are learning about this digital unit while using computers and such things. It passed me by about how we are just doing what is told. Great post and I look forward to reading more.


I like how you explained the positives and negatives of technogly. You wrote about how we can communitcate with family far away but there are negatives like stalkers. This also made me think about how people follow celebrities through magazine sites or even twitter. This makes me think about my own life and how it would be best if I learned how to do without certain things or don't use it to the extent i do so I am not apart this tech-savy group.

Nice thoughts!
-blackberry fein :)