Monday, December 7, 2009

(HW 27)...Informal interviews & surveys

There are many definitions as to what cool can be. To get more information on what people think cool is Andy took the class outside where we were able to ask random people what they think. The first lady we interviewed was at seven11 making a cup of coffee:
What is your definition of cool?
President Obama because he is multiracial, he's really into politics and for a black president to be in the highest office that's cool.
Back to your high school days what was cool defined as?
The latest actor or actress was cool. If someone was popular like influenced by the media they were cool.
What is the coolest part of your outfit?
Well I'm dressed old fashion but for the younger ones its whatever the trend is. If plaid is in that what they wear. Personally, I don't like plaid so I wouldn't wear it.

Random man next to seven 11 smoking a cigarette.
Who is the coolest person to you and why?
I would say my boyfriend because he is successful at what he does and he dresses nice.
What is the coolest trend to you and why?
**Farm to table restaurants** because it is fresh food and locally sustainable.
What would you say the latest fashion trend is?
Vintage and fur looks really nice and is practical.

Now as for family, we love to shop so when we see something we like its an automatic buy it even though we don't necessarily need it which is a bad habit. One person I would say I like her style would be my older cousin. Shes young and vibrant and expresses herself through clothes and accessories. She puts a lot of outfits together that look stunning yet they are so cheap. She really knows how to dress. My family calls her a model for her looks. I have shopped in the past with her and i must say it was the longest day of my life. From rack to rack she looks until every shelve and rack is covered which i guess is why she gets the bargains.