Monday, December 14, 2009

(HW 29) merchants of cool...

After watching the videos posted I realized that a few things in the video have changed. I feel cool comes and goes and it changes so often that we cant really grasp the cool aspect. The main aspect of cool in the videos were targeting teenagers and showing what "cool" was. In the video they had a boys group and the boys were explaining what cool was and wasn't. I feel like depending on the person cool is different to others. Of course there are common things that are cool between different people but in general cool is whatever you think it is. The media affects us and shows us what "cool" is and I think that is where most of us get the ideas of what to wear and or buy. We look and listen to the media whether we think we do or not. Everyone is affected by the media and advertisements which shape our cool definitions. If these videos were recent you would be able to see the difference from back in the day and now. As for brittany spears and the media it can be bad for the younger girls who watch and listen to her. But these girls have a choice and so do there parents. They don't have to watch and follow every moment of what she is doing. I think they are like this because they don't support at home or are not monitored. In conclusion, there is still no solid definition of cool. Cool changes like the weather changes.