Monday, January 4, 2010

(HW 30) theorizing cool...

How does this emptiness feel?
When reading this blog post, I knew right away which question I wanted to answer and find out information on. In my option, the emptiness can be perceived feel good and bad sometimes. There is an emptiness where you are drained from everything around you, and don't have the energy to go on. But then there is emptiness where you are no longer connected to certain things which are bad for you. This emptiness or void people feel is always trying to be filled. People look left and right for things that can get rid of the emptiness but sometimes after they have found that "thing" the emptiness still remains. In connection to my personal life, from the time I was born until I was about 3 years of age (that's when my mom got married) she was a single parent. My dad wasn't apart of the family. It wasn't until I became old enough to understand it all and started feeling this emptiness. I thought finding different things would make me whole but it didn't. Do still feel the emptiness? No not necessarily, but I feel that my emptiness has transformed to animosity toward my dad.

In this day and age, emptiness for teens is filled with the party scene. Teens look for the new "cool" or "it" thing to fill what they are missing. They look towards the drinking, smoking, sex and more to fill there emptiness. But that's not all teens. There are some teens that don't take part in the party scene and actually want something for there life. Kudos to them. I think it is more than emptiness but that plays a major role. Just trying to fit in by getting or doing certain things gives you that emptiness.

In conclusion, I believe that a feeling of emptiness can be longing for something. A desire to get this certain " thing" because you think it will fill the void or emptiness. But in reality we will all have some type of emptiness because of our history. Lastly, and I leave you with this quote by Helen Keller "When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”