Wednesday, January 13, 2010

(HW 34) Cool pose...

Go to school, sports, after school activities, hangout with friends, go to college, and be successful are one of the many maps that have been placed in front of us to follow but why do so many take detours? We try to follow our maps to the best of our ability but then theres that one time that you want to be a rebel. But because of curiosity you can steer off the map that was placed right in front of you. There are alot of stereotypical maps that people give different races but that doesn't mean they cant be the opposite of what they were perceived to be.

I think our maps are made from our parents and what they did as they got older. I spoke to a person once that said he wanted to drop out of school because it just wasn't him. His reasoning being that his parents didn't go to college and one didn't graduate high school so what can they say. I think that should give you more of a reason to want to stay in school and graduate to better yourself.

Our cool pose can sometimes determine who is around us or what are other peoples "cool pose". I notice that people change there cool pose depending on others. An example, is I have a friend that likes to take others people ideas. Such as, if you talk to her about getting another pair of boots, she will show up with them next week. I have learned from past experiences not to talk to her about stuff like that or give her little to no detail about shopping because she will end up trying to get it even if it is not in her budget. This is an example of someone trying to copy and follow the cool poses all around them.

In conclusion, I think everyone follows another cool pose and says its there own. We all try to be unique meanwhile there is anohter person that has those shoes. "oh but its the way I wear them which makes me unique". Honestly, doesn't matter, we all have the same cool pose just tweeked to make it our "own". Life is like dice, we roll them but cant determine how they fall.