Saturday, June 5, 2010

(HW 58) parenting 102

Part 3
I thought it would be interesting to talk to parents that have been parenting a long time,a short time or age wise young and old. I spoke to my mom about parenting skills and I already knew the outcome. My mom is all for the "pow pows".If you called her name or tapped her while she was talking she would give you the eyebrow and you knew that when you got home it was on. Yet, my mother was very loving and supportive of everything I did. But her way of parenting was discipline. Another person I interviewed was my friend who just recently had a baby. She said she wants to be the "cool" mom and let her kid experience it for himself but in reality i think it will be the opposite once the baby gets older. Most parents before having kids say what they want to be but when it gets to that point you switch your parenting skills.

Part 4
I really enjoyed this unit on parenting. I look forward to the day I get married and have kids. I just want to be the parent that goes on strolls in the park and take there kids to all there games,or practices. Because I grew up in a large family with tons of cousins and working with children in summer camps all my life I have grown a love for children. As for my insights on parenting, I know i am going to be just like my mother with her parenting skills. I am all for "pow pows" and teaching them and learning with them. Not to sound cocky but I think my mom installed and parented me right as to me knowing right from wrong. But since I'm 18 now my mom knows that all she can go is let me go and hope that I follow all i have been taught and do right.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

(HW 57) parenting 101

Part 1
hmm...parenting. As we all try to tackle this assignment I feel like we cant really say how kids should be parented because we only see how we were parented and try to rebel against it. But i will tackle this. I think kids should be showed love all the time but tough love. Growing up my parent were and still are very supportive yet when I was i guess bad i would get punished for it. At the time of being punished I saw it as hell but now i realize that it only helped me to learn from that so when im older it would show growth. My mom was the type to give us the eyebrow or pow pow when we did something wrong such as jump on the couch or call her name out. In the future when I have kids I think I will use the same approach. I feel like I came out fine and i think that is because the way I was parented. The only thing I would want to do differently is take alot of pictures and make a scrapbook for my children so they can look back. My mom was a single mom for a few years and she took pictures but just kept it in an album. I want to make a nice scrapbook of different shots so they can look back and when they have kids show them. I think parenting comes naturally but some do seek advice from others. I feel like it is great to hear from others but at the same time take it and make it your own.

Part 2
Attachment parenting:
I agree with some of the points others I'm like WHAT. I think that when a baby is first born it is good to bond and spend time with the baby but sometimes too much bonding can become spoiled. Kids that are bonded all the way through to they are about 2 start to become spoiled and for any little thing they want to be in your arms. Perosnally I wouldnt breast feed because I wouldnt want that feeling but i hear that breast milk is the best milk for the baby.

Feber Method
I do not agree with this method at all. When the baby cries it is in need of something. So you cant just live the baby to cry all night. If the baby could talk and tell you want he/she wanted it would. I don't see how parents could let their child cry. As a parent it would bother to hear them cry.

(HW 56) interviews and survey questions

when meeting new people what is your approach?
what are some qualities of a good friendship?
what are some expectations of a friendship?

When meeting new people what is your approach?
meeting new people it always depends on if its a guy or girl. Guys I can be friends with. Girls I like to remain discrete.

What are some qualities of a good friendship?
Qualities of a good friendship are those that are visible. A bad friendship is obvious to everyone. One you can overlook means there are no flaws within it. There's too many factors that co-exist with a "good friendship".

What are some expectations of a friendship?
Some expectations are an opposite or same that you can rely on or trust. Constant sharing.

When meeting new people what is your approach?
Be friendly and give off a good first impression.

What are some qualities of a good friendship?
Being able to trust each other and look out for one another.

What are some expectations of a friendship?
No bs

When meeting new people what is your approach?
friendly but holding back until you get to know each other

What are some qualities of a good friendship?
Trustworthy, honest, caring

What are some expectations of a friendship?
i can go to them whenever i need them and they can do likewise

I noticed that Chris went in depth as to answering my questions as opposed to Elias. Mainly like everyone else would say "trust, honest". But really when we meet people do we dwell on what type of person they are, or if they really are true? I think most friendships are based of common qualities. I think a phrase to describe meeting people or how friendships start would be friendship hook ups. Where you meet someone with the same taste as you that you can connect to and then carry it to another level.

How often are your friendships based off of "friendship hookups"?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

(HW 55)

Part 1
I stole Andy's question for now!
Is marriage counseling an effective remedy, in most cases, for the primary causes of divorce, and if so, how?"

Part 2
CHLOE! my love!

I like your questions for friendships. Maybe if you explain or go into better explaination of the history of friendship. I feel that friendships are not what they used to be. Im not sure if Im making sense lol :)

STEPHY BABY da da daaaa da da! I really like your question because there are many ways you can go with it. Maybe go in depth saying your opinion and talk about the relationships. But overall it is a solid question. :D

Part 3
"Divorce Rate." N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2010. .
Simply the divorce rates broken down into age groups, with children or if married more than once. Incorporating this in my paper will help when I talk about divorce and how many seek counseling.

"Marriage Counselors." N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2010. .
This article states how they can fix a marriage no matter what. So this should be interesting because how sure are these counselors that they can fix the worst divorce ever?

(HW 54)

Part 1
The point of the Myer Briggs survey is to find out your qualities of your personality and best fit you to career or explain the type of person you are. Before taking this test, I kind of knew what I would get because I have done a similar test like this in business class. Even though this was more questions than the other test I have taken I knew my results would be around the same. My results told me that I was outgoing, responsible and some careers were a teacher, nurse etc. My results weren't a surprise except that being a nurse. I have always wanted to be a pre-k teacher but lately I have been thinking about becoming a nurse. I don't know where this came from but it has been on my mind. This is the second time that a test have told be a career in nursing so now I'm looking into it.

Part 2
Some conclusions that I have drawn from this Myer Briggs test is that I am an extrovert but can still be to myself like introverts. Based off this test I figure that my closest friends will have around the same results as me because if you think about it most relationships are based of the common qualities. For example, Aja was an extrovert just like me which is a common quality that we have. Results to test similar to this is how we pick our friends. When you get to know someone that is basically your survey. With that you find out what differences and similarities you have with that person.

Monday, May 10, 2010

(HW 53)

Part 2
Taking this survey made me feel a little uncomfortable. I know the survey was anonymous but it still made me think about my family and what goes on. There were questions such as do you have face to face time? do you talk to your parents about your sexuality? Personally, either way if it was or wasn't anonymous it half way through i didn't want to take it knowing that I had to think about the past. Some of the questions I rushed through because I knew the answer about my family of how they treat me.

Part 3
When looking over the survey scores I knew from the start that people wouldn't be as honest because either they didn't want to be part of a certain percentage of just couldn't accept what they do. Questions such as "do you use illegal drugs" the percentage was high for the answer no. We all know at SOF that people use illegal drugs all the time. Its right in front of your face at SOF you cant avoid it. I think what would have made a difference is if a teacher didn't make the survey and rather a student did. I think students would have been more honest because they can relate more.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

(HW 52) human relationships...

Human Relationships is a topic that has never been touched before or introduced to me. I never really take the time to actually think about relationships, what we do, or why we even do that. Never, not once have i dwelled on what can be aspects of how we choose our relationships.

When looking for friendship people look for honesty, trust, someone who's there for you etc. For me, I would say that what people determine friends now would be what you call an acquittance. Meeting someone at a party doesn't mean that's your friend. A friend to me is person who has been there for me through thick and thin, knows me inside and out, and just great to be around. My best friend since 6th grade is the true meaning of friendship. One would say what is the true meaning of friendship but there are different definitions.

Family is top priority on my list. Family comes first before everything. For me, my family is very supported as to school, my job and more. They support me no matter what. During class Andy had asked what about step parents. What is that to you?. I have a step dad but I don't consider him to be my "Step" dad. He has been there since i was 3 so he is my dad. He does everthing my real father should have done so he is my dad. I dont treat or love anyone more or less but of course my mom comes first because i look up to her.

I really dont know what to write on this topic other than some people find it and others dont. Love can mean many different things but for me love is knowing that person means the world to you and the feeling you have never gets old. You know when its love when you go through highs and lows and no matter what still want to be with that person in the end. I cant connect this to my life because i am not in love and never was but when love comes around you know it. Do you believe in love at first sight?