Tuesday, October 20, 2009

(HW 13) Feed B...

By far one of the best books that I have read. I haven't finished the book yet because directions were made unclear but as of now I can say I really enjoy reading Feed. Regardless of how it shows the type of teens we are and what we do with our lives I can say this was an eye opener. This book explains in detail using allegories of the typical teenager. M.T Anderson shows us by talking about these lesions and how it makes everything stand out. In the book lesions are cool and in. And if you have a lesion you in the group. They even say how some lesions are better than others and compare and contrast between each other.

I think that feed is directed to teenagers but it also is directed to adults. Some adults think they need to feel younger so they sort of "copy" in a sense what the young ones have or do. As an example my aunt likes to think she is young and tries to "get light" and dance in front of us. But my cousins look at her and are like "oh no". Why is it that adults feel the need to be "young" or look or feel young? There are certain things that adults should not get or have because they are just too old for it. In my opinion adults should act and show they are professional so that people would look up to them. When I see adults with piercings and tattoos i think to myself "your kidding right?". But when I see someone who is more conservative and private then I think to myself "wow". Some things just need to be left for teenagers.

After reading feed I think our society needs to be "hammered". There is so much that is going on in this world that we don't notice. What if this world were to be hammered and everything changed back to when there were no phones tv's etc? Then how would we live our life? What would we be doing? These questions pop in my head all the time and make me wonder how would it be different.