Monday, November 16, 2009

(HW 23) Cool beans....

The definition of cool can be defined in different ways depending on the person. I looked up the definition of cool and other than something that is cold under the "slang" term it said socially adept. When it comes to cool, it is what the newest thing is. If an ipod came out 2 months ago and now there is a new one that one is "cooler" than the other one meanwhile the other one is fairly new. I think teenagers now think its cool to drink, smoke and have the latest gear. I feel like no one can say they don't care about what others think or don't care if they are cool or not because the way you present yourself or even dress can separate you from being cool or not. Some people try and become something they are not in order to be cool.Within your friends group, certain things are cool like the type of music you listen too, the clothes you wear. Some of my friends look at magazines to find out what the newest thing is. This relates back to how digital and society shape who we are because they feed us with all the magazine ads making us want it more to make us feel "cool". Our class spoke about what cool is and Stephanie mentioned that sometimes it can be more envy then other things. Like you envy those around you for what they have that you consider cool. It amazes me how we teenagers can be so competitive over the smallest things that shouldn't even matter. Like in feed how the girls would get the update on the latest hairstyle and they would go change it right away. We are being consumed by the media to shape what we think is cool.