Monday, November 23, 2009

(HW 25) comments on short stories....

I enjoyed your story. Your character's name is funny. Beyonce Minaj was cool because of the way she dressed. All the girls wanted to be like her. I also thought that her fighting could be considered cool in certain places. I know around the "hood" its considered cool because your tough and you can hold your own. I think you should have read it over for spelling mistakes.Good story :)

I really really really enjoyed your story. I think this is one of the best I have read so far. From the part where you talk about the eyeliner i knew it was YOU! Its great how you wrote this about yourself rather than creating a character. it shows the real you. YOU ARE DEF COOL :)
i wish this story could be voiced...i want to be Mr.marks lol :D

I enjoyed reading your story. It was short but straight to the point. The characters in your story were cool because of what they did by making jokes about people. This is something you see often as Chloe said. Great story :)

MATT!! YAY Im the first one!I liked your story.It was very orREGINAL. Instead of a basic story it was more like a dialogue between two people. you incorporated two aspects of cool. First, was with the young girl thinking its cool to have sex and get around then the doctor explaining his story which i thought was cool. The doctor explained what he went thorough which is cool because it showed hoe he grew and how she can change for the better. GREAT STORY MATT!

that's really what he said :o

I LOVED your story. It was well written. I can tell that everyone thought what the "new" girl wore was cool because she was different than the others but could still pull it off. I liked how you changed the end and showed how so quickly things can change and the newest thing is cooler. Like how the girl was new then Sebastian came and now hes new and cool. Overall GREAT story! :)

**After reading five stories, there are many definitions of cool based on these stories. There can be the girl who things its cool to be fast,or have the latest clothes, or change from new to old. A lot of the stories show cool by what we wear but like Chris' story he showed it by what type of father he was. It amazes me how people view cool and how we are quick to judge what is cool or not.I think there is no set definition of cool. It all depends on the person. Everyone is unique in there own way which is "cool" to them. In class we spoke about the different types of cool. It was pointed out that there can be loud, quiet and mysterious. Matt added that it can be labeled "Authentic cool and fake cool". I agree that there can be a cool where people try to fit in which is what I tried to portray in my short story. I feel like everywhere there are people who try and fit in and be cool by doing what others are doing or being pressured.