Monday, December 14, 2009

(HW 29) merchants of cool...

After watching the videos posted I realized that a few things in the video have changed. I feel cool comes and goes and it changes so often that we cant really grasp the cool aspect. The main aspect of cool in the videos were targeting teenagers and showing what "cool" was. In the video they had a boys group and the boys were explaining what cool was and wasn't. I feel like depending on the person cool is different to others. Of course there are common things that are cool between different people but in general cool is whatever you think it is. The media affects us and shows us what "cool" is and I think that is where most of us get the ideas of what to wear and or buy. We look and listen to the media whether we think we do or not. Everyone is affected by the media and advertisements which shape our cool definitions. If these videos were recent you would be able to see the difference from back in the day and now. As for brittany spears and the media it can be bad for the younger girls who watch and listen to her. But these girls have a choice and so do there parents. They don't have to watch and follow every moment of what she is doing. I think they are like this because they don't support at home or are not monitored. In conclusion, there is still no solid definition of cool. Cool changes like the weather changes.

Monday, December 7, 2009

(HW 28) Informal research part 2...

Derbyshire, Bygone. "Smoking was seen as being cool and everybody did it." 12 February 2009: n. pag. Web. 7 Dec 2009. .
When this assignment was giving i thought about what I see everyday at School of the Future and what seems to be cool or the norm. I notice that smoking is a big thing and i think the main reason is because they think is cool or because their friends do it. i found this article to say exactly what I think goes on. Why would people go to the extreme of putting their health in danger just to be cool?

Hasbert, Lucas. "How to be cool at school." n. pag. Web. 7 Dec 2009. .
This article I found interesting because it gives you a guideline of what you need to do in order to be cool. When I read this I wondered if someone actually read this article and tried some of these steps. Probably not because cool is undefined. While sitting in another history class, Jacara mentioned that people say "be yourself" "stay true to yourself" but if everyone did that why isnt everyone cool? That made me think about how people can try and wear the latest gear or act like someone they think is "cool" and yet they are not cool themselves.

"What makes a person cool?." 2004: n. pag. Web. 8 Dec 2009. .

(HW 27)...Informal interviews & surveys

There are many definitions as to what cool can be. To get more information on what people think cool is Andy took the class outside where we were able to ask random people what they think. The first lady we interviewed was at seven11 making a cup of coffee:
What is your definition of cool?
President Obama because he is multiracial, he's really into politics and for a black president to be in the highest office that's cool.
Back to your high school days what was cool defined as?
The latest actor or actress was cool. If someone was popular like influenced by the media they were cool.
What is the coolest part of your outfit?
Well I'm dressed old fashion but for the younger ones its whatever the trend is. If plaid is in that what they wear. Personally, I don't like plaid so I wouldn't wear it.

Random man next to seven 11 smoking a cigarette.
Who is the coolest person to you and why?
I would say my boyfriend because he is successful at what he does and he dresses nice.
What is the coolest trend to you and why?
**Farm to table restaurants** because it is fresh food and locally sustainable.
What would you say the latest fashion trend is?
Vintage and fur looks really nice and is practical.

Now as for family, we love to shop so when we see something we like its an automatic buy it even though we don't necessarily need it which is a bad habit. One person I would say I like her style would be my older cousin. Shes young and vibrant and expresses herself through clothes and accessories. She puts a lot of outfits together that look stunning yet they are so cheap. She really knows how to dress. My family calls her a model for her looks. I have shopped in the past with her and i must say it was the longest day of my life. From rack to rack she looks until every shelve and rack is covered which i guess is why she gets the bargains.

Monday, November 30, 2009

(HW 26) photos & interview...

Name: Ashley Carbaugh
Age: 26
Favorite Quote: He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. -Jim Elliot

What are you wearing?
‎​I am wearing a banana republic teal top with a braided waist. And pearls from banana republic. I'm wearing a black knee-length A-line skirt from H n M and gray suede peep toe heels. ‎​The skirt is pleated

Where did you get your style from?
‎​I got my style mostly from my older cousin(the one in the photo) but soon I developed my own style.

Do you look at magazines to get the "celebrity look" or just what you see you get and make it your own?
Both. I buy cheap magazines like intouch because they show what celebrities wear on a regular day. I do this every few months to see if I'm out of the loop. However, i have never purchased a specific article of clothing because I saw it in a magazine.

Do you consider your style to be cool? do others perceive your style to be cool or you to be cool?
I have a weird style. One day preppy n the next i'll wear cowboy boots. ‎​Mostly I walk into a store I like and make an article of clothing my own. ‎​Most days I consider my style to be cool, so to speak. Its my own, which makes it cool to me :). ‎​I have no idea if others think my style is cool. I doubt it, but I'm pretty sure people don't think I dont dress well. At least I hope they don't. :)
‎​He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. -Jim Elliot

Name: Jerald Smith
Age: 17
Favorite Quote: "Bad artist copy, good artist steal"-Picasso

What are you wearing?
In that picture I am wearing a Supreme hat, a Billionaire Boys Club shirt, some Levis jeans, a Banana Republic Pea Coat, and some low top Nike SBs

Where did you get your style from?
My style is inspired by many of things and people. I may get 1 part of it from a person's blog, another part from a celebrity, another from a look book, another from just seeing someone on the street. If i see someone wearing something in a way i admire i may try to incorporate in my own style in someway.

Do you look at magazines to get the "celebrity look" or just what you see you get and make it your own?
I'm not too big on magazines, nor do i feel i should go for a "celebrity look" just because I'm not a celebrity and i probably cant afford what their wearing anyway.

Do you consider your style to be cool? do others perceive your style to be cool or you to be cool?
My style is just my thing, in my eyes its cool yet I'm not sure how others perceive it. If others perceive me as cool i would hope it would be because of more than my style.

Name: Anias Joseph
Age: 18
Favorite Quote: "Live life to the fullest"

What are you wearing?
Im wearing a true religion hat with a polo shirt and an american eagle sweater with levi jeans and nike sneakers.

Where did you get your style from?
I got my style from people around me and the people i hang out with.

Do you look at magazines to get the "celebrity look" or just what you see you get and make it your own?
I dont look into magazines to get the celebrity look i just wear what is in style and make it look good a possible.

Do you consider your style to be cool? do others perceive your style to be cool or you to be cool?
From what i hear people think im cool but i was never told why and i think im cool because i could make friends easily.

Monday, November 23, 2009

(HW 25) comments on short stories....

I enjoyed your story. Your character's name is funny. Beyonce Minaj was cool because of the way she dressed. All the girls wanted to be like her. I also thought that her fighting could be considered cool in certain places. I know around the "hood" its considered cool because your tough and you can hold your own. I think you should have read it over for spelling mistakes.Good story :)

I really really really enjoyed your story. I think this is one of the best I have read so far. From the part where you talk about the eyeliner i knew it was YOU! Its great how you wrote this about yourself rather than creating a character. it shows the real you. YOU ARE DEF COOL :)
i wish this story could be voiced...i want to be Mr.marks lol :D

I enjoyed reading your story. It was short but straight to the point. The characters in your story were cool because of what they did by making jokes about people. This is something you see often as Chloe said. Great story :)

MATT!! YAY Im the first one!I liked your story.It was very orREGINAL. Instead of a basic story it was more like a dialogue between two people. you incorporated two aspects of cool. First, was with the young girl thinking its cool to have sex and get around then the doctor explaining his story which i thought was cool. The doctor explained what he went thorough which is cool because it showed hoe he grew and how she can change for the better. GREAT STORY MATT!

that's really what he said :o

I LOVED your story. It was well written. I can tell that everyone thought what the "new" girl wore was cool because she was different than the others but could still pull it off. I liked how you changed the end and showed how so quickly things can change and the newest thing is cooler. Like how the girl was new then Sebastian came and now hes new and cool. Overall GREAT story! :)

**After reading five stories, there are many definitions of cool based on these stories. There can be the girl who things its cool to be fast,or have the latest clothes, or change from new to old. A lot of the stories show cool by what we wear but like Chris' story he showed it by what type of father he was. It amazes me how people view cool and how we are quick to judge what is cool or not.I think there is no set definition of cool. It all depends on the person. Everyone is unique in there own way which is "cool" to them. In class we spoke about the different types of cool. It was pointed out that there can be loud, quiet and mysterious. Matt added that it can be labeled "Authentic cool and fake cool". I agree that there can be a cool where people try to fit in which is what I tried to portray in my short story. I feel like everywhere there are people who try and fit in and be cool by doing what others are doing or being pressured.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

(HW 24) Short Story

High school senior. Trying to be cool and fit in.

On the first day of Senior year Lou'Qwan Sedwick Quincy Jones walked into school feeling on top of the world. Lou' Qwan and his buds had planned to meet up at the usual spot with the latest gear. He walked down the hall anticipating what his friends would think. As he walked down the hall everyone began to whisper and giggle about him. He wondered what all the talk was about. As he finally approached his friends they couldn't believe what he was wearing. Malik one of his friends said "yo what are you wearing? i guess you didn't get the memo". Lou' Qwan knew exactly what was wrong. He was wearing baggy jeans, an over sized shirt and chain. All the guys at school were wearing fitted jeans with v-neck shirts. Lou'Qwan was very embarrassed and knew he didn't fit in. When he came home he knew he had to change is style or else he wouldn't be "in" with the rest of the crew. The next day and its back to school. Lou'Qwan came to school with his fitted jeans and a black v-neck feeling better about himself. When he met up with his friends, Malik said "that's better". After changing to fit in, Lou'Qwan felt cool again.

Monday, November 16, 2009

(HW 23) Cool beans....

The definition of cool can be defined in different ways depending on the person. I looked up the definition of cool and other than something that is cold under the "slang" term it said socially adept. When it comes to cool, it is what the newest thing is. If an ipod came out 2 months ago and now there is a new one that one is "cooler" than the other one meanwhile the other one is fairly new. I think teenagers now think its cool to drink, smoke and have the latest gear. I feel like no one can say they don't care about what others think or don't care if they are cool or not because the way you present yourself or even dress can separate you from being cool or not. Some people try and become something they are not in order to be cool.Within your friends group, certain things are cool like the type of music you listen too, the clothes you wear. Some of my friends look at magazines to find out what the newest thing is. This relates back to how digital and society shape who we are because they feed us with all the magazine ads making us want it more to make us feel "cool". Our class spoke about what cool is and Stephanie mentioned that sometimes it can be more envy then other things. Like you envy those around you for what they have that you consider cool. It amazes me how we teenagers can be so competitive over the smallest things that shouldn't even matter. Like in feed how the girls would get the update on the latest hairstyle and they would go change it right away. We are being consumed by the media to shape what we think is cool.

(HW 21) Art project

Art Project! :) from Scotto on Vimeo.

When this assignment was given I didn't understand one bit of it. I didn't have any ideas until I was talking to Matt and Connor about their projects. Conner said do something with volleyball in it and that's when it hit me. I watched all of the sample work given and knew from the start I wanted to do a video. I began researching lyrics to different songs about this generation and some digital videos. I ended up finding a clip from the cartoon Phineas and Ferb which airs on Disney Channel every night. I couldn't believe a cartoon for children was demonstrating digital while the music in the background was talking about "lets go digital". I showed my younger sister the video and right away she started singing the song. BRAINWASHED!! she knew every word and I couldn't believe that no matter what age you are you are affected by digital in some way. Im not really sure if my art piece is a hammer or a mirror because I feel it depends the person. I cant choose whether it is one or the other. For the volleyball part, I wanted to bring the message how we play around with digital and it makes us ignorant without knowing. So I switched up the pictures from old video games to new computers. My favorite part other than making the video was adding a picture of Andy at the end just for a little fun :)


Digital media has impacted this society in many ways. Some better than others but in general our society has made a complete turn around as to the way we live our lives. I have seen clips from old movies and from the difference between then and now is significant. We are completely sucked into what the digital life has to offer that we don't realize what is going on in the world besides what has to do with us. Digital media is effecting our society by drawing us away from reality, spoon feeding us everything and making us more ignorant.

In my opinion, the best inventions in history. I don't know where I would be without all the electronics. This generation, is so addicted to digital that I bet they don't remember what life was before it. During class once, Conner pointed out that there are positives and negatives that come along with it. Positives are that you can communicate with friends and family faster and around the world. Negatives are that it can be a waste of time instead of using your time wisely. I notice that when I get in a bad mood I turn to my ipod or my blackberry to entertain me or just to isolate myself. It amazes me how certain things such as computers, cell phones, ipods and etc can make such a difference. I spoke to my mom to find out how it was growing up for her and she told me that she had a type writer that wasn't used often because her brother and sisters would like to go outside more. Now everything a computer has is now on a cellphone that you take with you everywhere. I feel like all the gadgets and television shows take us away from learning more. As we watch more television shows and use our phones more that is less time you have to do something productive such as read. We get so distracted from these materials that it makes ignorant. I am one that gets distracted by my blackberry which they call the "crackberry" because its just so addictive. Other things such as television don't get my distracted because I am busy texting or IM-ing friends. This world really needs to wake up and look beyond the great inventions and really think about how its changing our lives.

This morning on the bus I looked around and noticed that more than half of the bus either had their phones out or ipods. I rely on my phone so much that I don't wear a watch because it has the time. Since starting this unit I have noticed more and learned more about the people around me such as my mother. For the first time I noticed my mom's daily routine in the morning. She wakes up and runs straight to brush her teeth and turn on the coffee machine. Right next to it is her Blackberry charging. She picks it up and starts checking all the emails and text she missed. I couldn't believe that she wasted about five minutes catching up with emails rather than showering and getting dressed for work.

I have had this blog since last year and still have not learned much about it or how to use it other than to post something. I noticed that I can sign up my blackberry on blogger and write a text message to blogger and it will go straight to my blog. With the click of a button I can post my homework before actually getting home and sitting on a computer. This makes it easier for me when assignments are due the same night and I have games or other commitments.

Besides my opinion their are other opinions we need to take into consideration such as random strangers. Since we have the best teacher in the world, and he was so gracious to take us out to the park we were able to interview strangers. While walking around Madison Square Park Chloe and I got to interview strangers who were either just sitting there enjoying the weather, having lunch or on there phones. At first we got rejected by a few people because they either didn't want to be bothered or just wanted to get rid of us. We interviewed a man smoking a cigarette but didn't get in depth with the conversation because of all the smoke. He said he spends 15 to 16 hours a day using digital equipment because he produces music and is always on myspace and facebook. We asked him what if he had children would he limit them? He responded and said as long as they get their homework done he doesn't care what they do. I couldn't believe that this man didn't care how much time they would spend using electronics. i wonder if he ever thought about what technology could do to his children.

Another person we interviewed was a mom hanging out in the park with her daughter. As we approached her she was on her phone talking away while her daughter was running around. She wasn't paying any mind to her daughter. She told us that they don't have TV at home but she would definitely limit her daughter when she gets older. As Chloe kept talking to the mother the baby started to play with me and showed me her toy. Her "toy" happened to be a blackberry which I was in total shock. The baby had stickers on the blackberry which she was showing me. I couldn't believe that this little girl no older than 2 years old was playing with a blackberry. I feel like by her playing with it just exposes her to the digital life at a young age.

Lastly, I interviewed my best friend Ralph. I couldn't help but interview him because he is the ONLY friend I have that DOESN'T have texting. I make jokes on him about not having texting and how he needs to get it asap. I asked him what did he think about all the electronics and digital devices we have and he simply told me that it is GREAT because we can keep in touch with people. I agreed with him on that one because if we don't get to see each other in person we videochat all the time. He said that sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming because all his friends say he needs to upgrade but he said sometimes it is good to not be updated every minute and that sometimes it is good to relax and take a break.

I am indecisive when it comes to technology. Sometimes I cant live without it and sometimes I want a break from it. I feel like life is twitter, there's an update every second and something new is out. I always ask myself what would i be doing right now if I didn't have this computer or this phone? Other times I'm like say I'm lucky to have this. Everything is with the push of a button which is making us lazier and more ignorant. I leave with this: In 10 years where will America be? What will be the "new" gadget?

This lead Andy to propose a digital experiment.For the experiment I decided I would try not to have my phone on while I was reading. I never turn off my blackberry not even overnight so you can imagine how I felt. At first I just put the phone to the side and started to read but once I felt it vibrate it killed me to wonder who just sent me a text message. So right away I checked and answered the text back. Then I told myself "okay sam you can do this, put it on silent". I ended up putting it on silent and throwing it to the other side of the bed. As I kept reading I saw the bright red light flashing and I wanted to know who was texting me. It lasted maybe 2 minutes before I grabbed it and answered back. After a few tries I started to get annoyed and just turned off the phone and put it away. I ended up reading for an hour straight but of course I thought about how many messages I missed. I noticed that even the little things like the red light flashing I noticed from across the bed. I noticed that I was very distracted and it took me a few tries to actually get me to give up on my blackberry for an hour. When I turned on my phone I had a lot of missed text messages from friends and I felt out of the loop for a few. It amazes me how for an hour you can feel like you missed something for days. I think for the next experiment I would like to either try and digitally fast for longer or engage myself in all the electronics for hours to see if I get tired or bored from the technology.

Another example is the book feed. In feed, there are many allegories about teens such as the lesions, the "feed" and how it affects us today. Andy brought up the point of how he thinks lesions are like "body piercings and tattoos". After reading half of the book I started to think about the lesions and how its the "gotta have" thing now. And if you don't have it your "late" or not "in". Now a days piercings and tattoos are cool and now teens are getting them because of the influence around them. Where will those piercings and tattoos look like or how will the people who have them feel in 15 or 20 years?

In the television text by Steven Johnson, the author explains how television is actually good for us because it makes us think more. He explains how television is more passive than video games because some will make you work and think about what is going on while others just let you be a couch potato. With television a certain show can come out and then producers will come out with a similar concept. He talks about how prime time is like ER, Desperate Housewives, The sopranos and lost. But in the games text is about how games can be a waste of time and that people should read instead. He states that he doesn't think those who read only read and that's it. He proposed what if games came before reading and reading became the new thing. I feel like the feed is an allegory for all the digital equipment we use or even the media. The media can portray what the "ideal" body shape is, new hairstyle, new outfits and so on. As suckers in this world we are quick to find out how to get that body, or get that for cheaper. We are like sheep waiting for the Shepard to tell us what to do.

Everything about television or any digital device in the unit has been the opposite of what Johnson is saying. At first everyone was saying how digital has shaped us and made us more ignorant to whats around us. While other were saying its great because you can do a lot of things fast and connect with family and friends all around the world. At first, I was all for the digital life but now that I have learned and researched about it i feel like it takes away from time with my self or face to face interactions. In the book feed, all the characters are taking away from whats around them because of the feed. The feed gives them everything they need so that they don't have to do any work making them lazy. The feed gives them the latest updates on anything from hairstyles to the prices in the stores.

In conclusion, everyone as a whole even the elderly are stuck on digital. Everyone is effected by it in some way or form, even you Andy :). We need to realize before its too late how much people have changed since this world has gone digital. I feel the need to change some of my habits but will I really follow through with them?

Monday, November 9, 2009

(HW 20) Revised Rough Draft...

Digital media has impacted this society in many ways. Some better than others but in general our society has made a complete turn around as to the way we live our lives. I have seen clips from old movies and from the difference between then and now is significant. We are completely sucked into what the digital life has to offer that we don't realize what is going on in the world besides what has to do with us. Digital media is effecting our society by drawing us away from reality, spoon feeding us everything and making us more ignorant.

In my opinion, the best inventions in history. I don't know where I would be without all the electronics. This generation, is so addicted to digital that I bet they don't remember what life was before it. During class once, Conner pointed out that there are positives and negatives that come along with it. Positives are that you can communicate with friends and family faster and around the world. Negatives are that it can be a waste of time instead of using your time wisely. I notice that when I get in a bad mood I turn to my ipod or my blackberry to entertain me or just to isolate myself. It amazes me how certain things such as computers, cell phones, ipods and etc can make such a difference. I spoke to my mom to find out how it was growing up for her and she told me that she had a type writer that wasn't used often because her brother and sisters would like to go outside more. Now everything a computer has is now on a cellphone that you take with you everywhere. I feel like all the gadgets and television shows take us away from learning more. As we watch more television shows and use our phones more that is less time you have to do something productive such as read. We get so distracted from these materials that it makes ignorant. I am one that gets distracted by my blackberry which they call the "crackberry" because its just so addictive. Other things such as television don't get my distracted because I am busy texting or IM-ing friends. This world really needs to wake up and look beyond the great inventions and really think about how its changing our lives.

This morning on the bus I looked around and noticed that more than half of the bus either had their phones out or ipods. I rely on my phone so much that I don't wear a watch because it has the time. Since starting this unit I have noticed more and learned more about the people around me such as my mother. For the first time I noticed my mom's daily routine in the morning. She wakes up and runs straight to brush her teeth and turn on the coffee machine. Right next to it is her Blackberry charging. She picks it up and starts checking all the emails and text she missed. I couldn't believe that she wasted about five minutes catching up with emails rather than showering and getting dressed for work.

I have had this blog since last year and still have not learned much about it or how to use it other than to post something. I noticed that I can sign up my blackberry on blogger and write a text message to blogger and it will go straight to my blog. With the click of a button I can post my homework before actually getting home and sitting on a computer. This makes it easier for me when assignments are due the same night and I have games or other commitments.

Besides my opinion their are other opinions we need to take into consideration such as random strangers. Since we have the best teacher in the world, and he was so gracious to take us out to the park we were able to interview strangers. While walking around Madison Square Park Chloe and I got to interview strangers who were either just sitting there enjoying the weather, having lunch or on there phones. At first we got rejected by a few people because they either didn't want to be bothered or just wanted to get rid of us. We interviewed a man smoking a cigarette but didn't get in depth with the conversation because of all the smoke. He said he spends 15 to 16 hours a day using digital equipment because he produces music and is always on myspace and facebook. We asked him what if he had children would he limit them? He responded and said as long as they get their homework done he doesn't care what they do. I couldn't believe that this man didn't care how much time they would spend using electronics. i wonder if he ever thought about what technology could do to his children.

Another person we interviewed was a mom hanging out in the park with her daughter. As we approached her she was on her phone talking away while her daughter was running around. She wasn't paying any mind to her daughter. She told us that they don't have TV at home but she would definitely limit her daughter when she gets older. As Chloe kept talking to the mother the baby started to play with me and showed me her toy. Her "toy" happened to be a blackberry which I was in total shock. The baby had stickers on the blackberry which she was showing me. I couldn't believe that this little girl no older than 2 years old was playing with a blackberry. I feel like by her playing with it just exposes her to the digital life at a young age.

Lastly, I interviewed my best friend Ralph. I couldn't help but interview him because he is the ONLY friend I have that DOESN'T have texting. I make jokes on him about not having texting and how he needs to get it asap. I asked him what did he think about all the electronics and digital devices we have and he simply told me that it is GREAT because we can keep in touch with people. I agreed with him on that one because if we don't get to see each other in person we videochat all the time. He said that sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming because all his friends say he needs to upgrade but he said sometimes it is good to not be updated every minute and that sometimes it is good to relax and take a break.

I am indecisive when it comes to technology. Sometimes I cant live without it and sometimes I want a break from it. I feel like life is twitter, theres an update every second and something new is out. I always ask myself what would i be doing right now if I didn't have this computer or this phone? Other times I'm like say I'm lucky to have this. Everything is with the push of a button which is making us lazier and more ignorant. I leave with this: In 10 years where will America be? What will be the "new" gadget?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

(HW 19) "BIG" paper suggestions...


POV: 3.5

Overall I think you know exactly what you are talking about and how the media affects us and consumes us. Great hooks to get the reader wondering about what ads they see or what they purchase. Good rough draft :)


POV: 3.5
SIG & CON: 2.5

Good start you need to add a little more and expand your thoughts I know you defiently have more on your mind. Remember to check the rubric and make sure you added as much as possible. Overall good start! :D

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

(HW 18) Rough Draft...

Digital media has impacted this society in many ways. Some better than others but in general our society has made a complete turn around as to the way we live our lives. I have seen clips from old movies and from the difference between then and now is significant. We are completely sucked into what the digital life has to offer that we don't realize what is going on in the world besides what has to do with us. Digital media is effecting our society by drawing us away from reality, spoon feeding us everything and making us more ignorant.

In my opinion, the best inventions in history. I don't know where I would be without all the electronics. This generation, is so addicted to digital that I bet they don't remember what life was before it. During class once, Conner pointed out that there are positives and negatives that come along with it. Positives are that you can communicate with friends and family faster and around the world. Negatives are that it can be a waste of time instead of using your time wisely. I notice that when I get in a bad mood I turn to my ipod or my blackberry to entertain me or just to isolate myself. It amazes me how certain things such as computers, cell phones, ipods and etc can make such a difference. I spoke to my mom to find out how it was growing up for her and she told me that she had a type writer that wasn't used often because her brother and sisters would like to go outside more. Now everything a computer has is now on a cellphone that you take with you everywhere. I feel like all the gadgets and television shows take us away from learning more. As we watch more television shows and use our phones more that is less time you have to do something productive such as read. We get so distracted from these materials that it makes ignorant. I am one that gets distracted by my blackberry which they call the "crackberry" because its just so addictive. Other things such as television don't get my distracted because I am busy texting or IM-ing friends. This world really needs to wake up and look beyond the great inventions and really think about how its changing our lives.

This morning on the bus I looked around and noticed that more than half of the bus either had their phones out or ipods. I rely on my phone so much that I don't wear a watch because it has the time. Since starting this unit I have noticed more and learned more about the people around me such as my mother. For the first time I noticed my mom's daily routine in the morning. She wakes up and runs straight to brush her teeth and turn on the coffee machine. Right next to it is her Blackberry charging. She picks it up and starts checking all the emails and text she missed. I couldn't believe that she wasted about five minutes catching up with emails rather than showering and getting dressed for work.

I have had this blog since last year and still have not learned much about it or how to use it other than to post something. I noticed that I can sign up my blackberry on blogger and write a text message to blogger and it will go straight to my blog. With the click of a button I can post my homework before actually getting home and sitting on a computer. This makes it easier for me when assignments are due the same night and I have games or other commitments.

to be continued....

**UPDATED** (HW 17) Outline suggestions...

hey larche,
Great how you organized your outline; straight to the point. You have a great thesis and arguments. I think you should list more evidence to back up your main arguments so you have more than one source. Good start to your mini exhibition :)

hey chris,
You have a great outline so you should have no problem writing this paper. I also agree that you should use the first thesis. You have evidence to back it up. I think you should look for more evidence other than text such as internet article, discussions that happened in class, interviews etc. You know exactly what you are doing you just have to follow through...


**I am also supposed to comment on Yasmin j blog but she has not done the work for me to do so :/ **

(HW 16) Outline...

I want to write about the pros and cons of the digital world and how we are affected by it.

Thesis: Digital media is effecting our society by drawing us away from reality, spoon feeding us everything and making us more ignorant.

Argument #1: Digital media pros and cons

Evidence: research articles, interview with strangers and family

Argument #2: Feed and what it is doing to our society

Evidence: feed the book, everything good is bad for you

Argument #3: Digitization then and now

Evidence: Brainstorm of the digital world, surveys, articles

(HW 15) comments...


I liked how you went into detail about the experiment with your phone and how you left it home. I have never left my phone home so I cant imagine what it would be like without it. Although I wonder sometimes just like you, what if I didn't have it? How would I keep in touch with my family or what would I do in an emergency? To connect this, what came to mind is how Andy doesn't have a "phone" (LOL) makes me wonder how does he manage? I think you should have expanded on the post that you wrote how we need to resist our feed before its to late because its just making us lazy and stupid. Overall great posts! :D

Monday, October 26, 2009

(HW 14) Second Text...

In the television text by Steven Johnson, the author explains how television is actually good for us because it makes us think more. He explains how television is more passive than video games because some will make you work and think about what is going on while others just let you be a couch potato. With television a certain show can come out and then producers will come out with a similar concept. He talks about how prime time is like ER, Desperate Housewives, The sopranos and lost. But in the games text is about how games can be a waste of time and that people should read instead. He states that he doesn't think those who read only read and that's it. He proposed what if games came before reading and reading became the new thing. I feel like the feed is an allegory for all the digital equipment we use or even the media. The media can portray what the "ideal" body shape is, new hairstyle, new outfits and so on. As suckers in this world we are quick to find out how to get that body, or get that for cheaper. We are like sheep waiting for the Shepard to tell us what to do.

Everything about television or any digital device in the unit has been the opposite of what Johnson is saying. At first everyone was saying how digital has shaped us and made us more ignorant to whats around us. While other were saying its great because you can do a lot of things fast and connect with family and friends all around the world. At first, I was all for the digital life but now that I have learned and researched about it i feel like it takes away from time with my self or face to face interactions. In the book feed, all the characters are taking away from whats around them because of the feed. The feed gives them everything they need so that they don't have to do any work making them lazy. The feed gives them the latest updates on anything from hairstyles to the prices in the stores.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

(HW 13) Feed B...

By far one of the best books that I have read. I haven't finished the book yet because directions were made unclear but as of now I can say I really enjoy reading Feed. Regardless of how it shows the type of teens we are and what we do with our lives I can say this was an eye opener. This book explains in detail using allegories of the typical teenager. M.T Anderson shows us by talking about these lesions and how it makes everything stand out. In the book lesions are cool and in. And if you have a lesion you in the group. They even say how some lesions are better than others and compare and contrast between each other.

I think that feed is directed to teenagers but it also is directed to adults. Some adults think they need to feel younger so they sort of "copy" in a sense what the young ones have or do. As an example my aunt likes to think she is young and tries to "get light" and dance in front of us. But my cousins look at her and are like "oh no". Why is it that adults feel the need to be "young" or look or feel young? There are certain things that adults should not get or have because they are just too old for it. In my opinion adults should act and show they are professional so that people would look up to them. When I see adults with piercings and tattoos i think to myself "your kidding right?". But when I see someone who is more conservative and private then I think to myself "wow". Some things just need to be left for teenagers.

After reading feed I think our society needs to be "hammered". There is so much that is going on in this world that we don't notice. What if this world were to be hammered and everything changed back to when there were no phones tv's etc? Then how would we live our life? What would we be doing? These questions pop in my head all the time and make me wonder how would it be different.

Monday, October 19, 2009

(HW 12) Feed A...

"We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck". The book Feed by M.T Anderson in my opinion is completely on point as to life of a typical teenager. The book feed is one big allegory stating what the typical teenager does or the daily routine. The first chapter is a must read twice because you might skip over what they say about teenagers. I agree that we as teenagers are oblivious to what is going on around us because we are so drawn into be accepted or trying to fit in.

I myself find it hard to withhold myself from all the new gadgets and what the celebrities and magazines show to be hot. Magazines conform us by showing us what celebrities wear and how we can "get the look" for cheaper. And of course to make it even more simple they give us the information on where we can get it and how much it will cost for the total outfit. I am drawn into magazines because of this but not so much to get the new look but to get the new color that's out. Just like in Feed, the girls get updates on the latest hairstyles which then they go back to the bathroom and change the style more than twice a day. It is the same with us. When one thing comes out, another one is to follow and when it comes out all the advertisements make you want the new one even though you just got the "old" one.

In feed, there are many allegories about teens such as the lesions, the "feed" and how it affects us today. Andy brought up the point of how he thinks lesions are like "body piercings and tattoos". After reading half of the book I started to think about the lesions and how its the "gotta have" thing now. And if you don't have it your "late" or not "in". Now a days piercings and tattoos are cool and now teens are getting them because of the influence around them. Where will those piercings and tattoos look like or how will the people who have them feel in 15 or 20 years?

Friday, October 9, 2009

HW 11 my experiment...

For the experiment I decided I would try not to have my phone on while I was reading. I never turn off my blackberry not even overnight so you can imagine how I felt. At first I just put the phone to the side and started to read but once I felt it vibrate it killed me to wonder who just sent me a text message. So right away I checked and answered the text back. Then I told myself "okay sam you can do this, put it on silent". I ended up putting it on silent and throwing it to the other side of the bed. As I kept reading I saw the bright red light flashing and I wanted to know who was texting me. It lasted maybe 2 minutes before I grabbed it and answered back. After a few tries I started to get annoyed and just turned off the phone and put it away. I ended up reading for an hour straight but of course I thought about how many messages I missed. I noticed that even the little things like the red light flashing I noticed from across the bed. I noticed that I was very distracted and it took me a few tries to actually get me to give up on my blackberry for an hour. When I turned on my phone I had a lot of missed text messages from friends and I felt out of the loop for a few. It amazes me how for an hour you can feel like you missed something for days. I think for the next experiment I would like to either try and digitally fast for longer or engage myself in all the electronics for hours to see if I get tired or bored from the technology.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

HW 10 internet...

I am most intrested in cellphone usage because I am one of the many that are addicted to my cellphone (blackberry). It amazes me how many people depend on it and use it for different reasons.
This article is about the pros and cons of having a cellphone in schools. There are many reasons as to whether cellphones belong in school or not. The article states that with a cellphone students can take pictures of projects and show parents, but what are the chances of us students actually doing that? It also says that with cellphones in schools students can send out text messages to each other during a test giving each other the answers. Lastly, the article says that students should reach an agreement with parents and teachers about cellphones in school.

Using a cellphone and drunk driving the same thing? While reading this I couldnt believe that officials would actually go this far as to the usage of cellphones. I first thought that drinking and driving was worst than using a cellphone and driving but now that i see it can be very harmful. People get so into what they are doing on their cellphones that it can be a hazard to others on the road. Now that I read this article I am totally against my mom even using her blackberry at a red light. You never know what can go wrong at any moment. In connection, I was on the express bus on my way home and the driver started to read her book while on a read light. The lady behind me told her the driver if she thought that was the right decision. The bus driver began to get frustrated and didnt understand why until the lady told her she had a young baby. I couldnt believe something so little turned into something so big in minutes. Drivers must think carefully before making any decisions while on the road.
Not a well written article but straight to the point about how far technology has come. It explains how 10 years back we had the big cellphones that resemble bricks but now they are as small as can be. Not only have cellphones come along way and impoved but accecories such as bluetooths came out making it easier for us. Where will all this technology be in anohter 10 years?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

(HW 9) Response to Comments....

Video comments.... Larche and Chloe were not able to post their comments on my video for some reason. So their comments are below as well as my reply to them.

From Larche,
I liked your video, It seemed like you were really into what you were doing-reading and listening to your ipod. I sometimes do that to. It was like you were in three places at once. You were lost in your book, while into your music , and then into the conversation you were having on your phone. Sometimes it can be hard to juggle all three or just focus on one.I have to agree that no being able to express ourselves through words was hard. But I think that one of the points of this assignment was to express how we communicate digitally and I think you really showed that in your video. The question you asked " what would happen if I didn't have a cell phone or an ipod then what?" really made me think because that was what my video was about. I probably would I have been forced to do something more productive. I think that if we all gave up our digital equipment we could be doing more to stimulate our minds, like reading. You had good insights overall.

In response to Larche,
Thanks for taking the time out comment my video. Sorry that it was such a hassle to comment. I am not sure what is going on with my blog. When I read your comment it made me think about how I could have changed the video a little so that it wasn't just focused on one thing but rather different locations and what not. When you said that I was lost in my book while listening to music, I was actually getting distracted because my phone would keep vibrating from messages or I would change the song that was on because the shuffle was bad. I agree that without these gadgets we would do something productive instead which is a great thing. I would rather spend my time engaging in a book at the park than wasting time on things that are making me lazier. Lastly, a question that I wonder about is how did all these gadgets come about? When I was younger I didn't think about cellphones and now I'm addicted. Is this really helping our generation keep in touch or rather drawing us father apart?

From Chloe,
Hey Sam, I'm glad that we agreed to do this. I feel like it will benefit the both of us as we are mature high school seniors. Your video was straight to the point and not messy. Thanks for doing it in general.

I wish you would have wrote a little of your own analysis of your video but that is okay I can still write about it. I noticed how in your video your not only being digitally stimulated by your ipod but your also reading! I feel as if maybe you use your ipod to help you focus on certain things, to help keep you sane and relaxed. Since sometimes being digital stimulated helps you block out and be in your own zone so maybe this is why your ipod helps you read and be focused on the book without distractions. Although there was only one distraction in your video which was your black berry. The only thing that can take away your focus is another digital device.

I think everyone has concluded how certain digital devices keeps us sane and stress free. We see this in a lot of peoples videos like mine. Most of the time when people read or do there homework they listen to their ipod to help them focus and not get distracted by others people's nonsense. This happens to me a lot in study hall (my Tuesday advisory choice). Everyone listens to their ipod and I noticed it actually gets people to actually be more focused to do their homework. Probably because they have two choices. To talk to people and be unfocused or listen to their ipod where they can't really communicate and listen to people so they do their work in the rhythm of the music they like most.

Unlike most people, I cannot read and listen to music at the same time. Although I do listen to my ipod while I sketch or paint. It is a relaxer and I wonder how physical we are being effected, could this be a benefit to our selves to be able to focus on things more? I feel like this is really weird because we always speak about how digital stimulation distracts us but can it be true that in some way it actually helps us focus more?

Thanks again for helping me out and I'm always here to leave you comments back when you need it. <3 See you at at school

In response to Chloe,
Aww!! Thanks for commenting on my video. I am ALWAYS here to help you. We are both are on the same page as far as being on our game this year so I am glad to help. I see that you said it would have been helpful to write some insights from my video, I did but my blog has not been fully working so I am sorry for the inconvenience. I totally agree about the blackberry. It is so distracting because as I am reading I would feel it vibrate and then cant help but to look to see who text me. It is so bad that sometimes I will put it on silent and still look at it to see if there are any new messages. I agree that the ipod relaxes people and helps them get work done. I like listen to soft music while I am doing homework because it just helps me get into the mood. Lastly, I also wonder about how we say that they distract us but can it also help us in someway? There are pros and cons to having these digital devices but I think it is they way you use them that determines whether it is a pro or con. Like when we were interview strangers at the park. They mostly use it because of work which is a pro but a con is that sometimes it can take away from actual interactions in person. Thanks for everything gurlie! :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

(HW 8) video comments...

Your video was cool! You showed how you use your technology such as your ipod and phone. While watching this video I was noticing the faces you were making which showed how you were intrigued by the gadgets. I agree with the point you made saying that you wouldn't want your children using technology as often as we do. You stated that it is unhealthy and is a waste of time. I started to think about the children who are overweight from not getting enough exercises because of distractions such as video games. In your video maybe you could have showed us what you were doing. It would gave us an idea of what is going on. In general good video.

I loved your video! Before I even watched it I knew it would be unique and funky. It was great how you showed yourself on the train and how you use your ipod to entertain yourself. You also mentioned how you "pretend" to change the song on your ipod just to avoid weird people staring. I totally understand how you feel. I myself try to pretend like I'm doing something on the train even though its just nonsense. It was so funny how you added your boyfriend to the video and how he is reacting to the video game. I think you should have expanded on your time spent on your sidekick and explain how you use it for homework as well. GREAT video Chloe! Keep up the good work!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lions, tigers and STRANGERS oh my...(HW 7)

While walking around Madison Square Park Chloe and I got to interview strangers who were either just sitting there enjoying the weather, having lunch or on there phones. At first we got rejected by a few people because they either didn't want to be bothered or just wanted to get rid of us. We interviewed a man smoking a cigarette but didn't get in depth with the conversation because of all the smoke. He said he spends 15 to 16 hours a day using digital equipment because he produces music and is always on myspace and facebook. We asked him what if he had children would he limit them? He responded and said as long as they get their homework done he doesn't care what they do. I couldn't believe that this man didn't care how much time they would spend using electronics. i wonder if he ever thought about what technology could do to his children.

Another person we interviewed was a mom hanging out in the park with her daughter. As we approached her she was on her phone talking away while her daughter was running around. She wasn't paying any mind to her daughter. She told us that they don't have TV at home but she would definitely limit her daughter when she gets older. As Chloe kept talking to the mother the baby started to play with me and showed me her toy. Her "toy" happened to be a blackberry which I was in total shock. The baby had stickers on the blackberry which she was showing me. I couldn't believe that this little girl no older than 2 years old was playing with a blackberry. I feel like by her playing with it just exposes her to the digital life at a young age.

Lastly, I interviewed my best friend Ralph. I couldn't help but interview him because he is the ONLY friend I have that DOESN'T have texting. I make jokes on him about not having texting and how he needs to get it asap. I asked him what did he think about all the electronics and digital devices we have and he simply told me that it is GREAT because we can keep in touch with people. I agreed with him on that one because if we don't get to see each other in person we videochat all the time. He said that sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming because all his friends say he needs to upgrade but he said sometimes it is good to not be updated every minute and that sometimes it is good to relax and take a break.

In conclusion, I am indecisive when it comes to technology. Sometimes I cant live without it and sometimes I want a break from it. I feel like life is twitter, theres an update every second and something new is out. I always ask myself what would i be doing right now if I didn't have this computer or this phone? Other times I'm like say I'm lucky to have this. Everything is with the push of a button which is making us lazier and more ignorant. I leave with this: In 10 years where will America be? What will be the "new" gadget?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Digital Video!!! (HW 6)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Awesome interview"

I interviewed my mom about the digital world and what are her thoughts on it. Before I could even finish my question "what do you think of all the digital..." The first word was "Awesome". Now after a learning the pros and cons about technology all I could do was laugh because my mom didn't see what it is doing to her. She told me "She loves it because everything is fast" Unlike when she was growing up everything was really slow. I told her that everything she said so far sounded like if she was reading a script. Then I asked her "I know you told me a lot of pros about technology but can you name some cons?" Her response was "its time consuming". I was very shocked that my mom admitted this because she loves being on her blackberry or computer. Lastly I asked her "what could you do instead with the time spent on the computer? She told me that "she would spend more time with her family" I thought that these responeses were simple but not thoughtful. If I would do this differently I would have tried to ask more questions.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Homework 4...Comments


While reading this all I could think about is how we are similar. When you stated how dependent we are of our electronics like your blackberry. I am the same way. I connected this to my own life because I also use my blackberry to complete homework assignments and things that can be done on a computer. I wish you could have added more questions to make us think a little more. I really liked when you mentioned about how we are learning about this digital unit while using computers and such things. It passed me by about how we are just doing what is told. Great post and I look forward to reading more.


I like how you explained the positives and negatives of technogly. You wrote about how we can communitcate with family far away but there are negatives like stalkers. This also made me think about how people follow celebrities through magazine sites or even twitter. This makes me think about my own life and how it would be best if I learned how to do without certain things or don't use it to the extent i do so I am not apart this tech-savy group.

Nice thoughts!
-blackberry fein :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Updated Homework 3...

The best inventions in history for me. I honestly say that without all the electronics where would I be or everyone else. In this society, people get so addicted to it that they don't remember what life was before it. During class Conner pointed out that there are positives and negatives that come along with it. Positives are that you can communicate with friends and family faster and around the world. Negatives are that it can be a waste of time instead of using your time wisely. I notice that when I get in a bad mood I turn to my ipod or my blackberry to entertain me or just to isolate myself. It amazes me how certain things such as computers, cell phones, ipods and etc can make such a difference. I spoke to my mom to find out how it was growing up for her and she told me that she had a type writer that wasn't used often because her brother and sisters would like to go outside more. Now everything a computer has is now on a cellphone that you take with you everywhere. I feel like all the gadgets and television shows take us away from learning more. As we watch more television shows and use our phones more that is less time you have to do something productive such as read. We get so distracted from these materials that it makes ignorant. I am one that gets distracted by my blackberry which they call the "crackberry" because its just so addictive. Other things such as television don't get my distracted because I am busy texting or IM-ing friends. This world really needs to wake up and look beyond the great inventions and really think about how its changing our lives.

This morning on the bus I looked around and noticed that more than half of the bus either had their phones out or ipods. I rely on my phone so much that I don't wear a watch because it has the time. Since starting this unit I have noticed more and learned more about the people around me such as my mother. For the first time I noticed my mom's daily routine in the morning. She wakes up and runs straight to brush her teeth and turn on the coffee machine. Right next to it is her Blackberry charging. She picks it up and starts checking all the emails and text she missed. I couldn't believe that she wasted about five minutes catching up with emails rather than showering and getting dressed for work.

I have had this blog since last year and still have not learned much about it or how to use it other than to post something. I noticed that I can sign up my blackberry on blogger and write a text message to blogger and it will go straight to my blog. With the click of a button I can post my homework before actually getting home and sitting on a computer. This makes it easier for me when assignments are due the same night and I have games or other commitments.